at last monday, mami aq amik then we go to aper tah nme tmpat dyer.
then.. she talking and talking talking and talking until i sleep dkat dlm car brserta baju uniform lengkp sekolah,
after severul minute(i think my mak talking slamer 23 min kot)
then we pn blik umah. ape lagi aq teros msok blik then tido(at 2.30pm)
then, i heard my second handphone mk bunyi msg, i look at the tyme (sudh pkol 6.15pm)
lme nyer aq tido.(zzzzzzZZzzz) then aq kluar and "where is my mak n adik?''
check dlam blik,dapur,ruang tamu bilik air n takder. wahh! SEDIH.
then aq CALL my mak and say
aq:buka pose nk mkn aper?
mak:msk lah n. goreng
aq:takkan msak untok sorg jer?
mak:dh kw yg sorg yg ader kat umh tuh.
pgi lah beli roti bwat sndwich TELOR!
mak:pkai duit sndri dlu...
smpai aty my mak tnggal ank sorg2.
then aq potong roti n prepare the sandwich.
hah! dh syap pn... aq tak slera tngok sandwich yg aq bwat ner.
mkn je lah. "allahuma lakasumtuh, wabika amantuh...."ALLAHUAKBAR ALLAHUAKBAR!
ngam3. (SEDIH)..