Hye just woke in middle of subuh.
Macam biasa bila bukak mata tengok handphone
"6 New Message"
Salah satunya daripada Cik Arnab, =)
Maaf, semalam tengok Paranormal Activity sampai mata separuh tutup separuh bukak.
Then, kakak aku tepok kepala aku suruh bangun.
I was like "issh! tak payah lah nak buat macam tu"
Banyak kali kot aku kene tepok. Then tiba2 DVD tu stuck, then i just simplify said
"dah panas lah" Apa lagi? aku terus masuk bilik tidur lah. :)
Hehehe. Now, i already woke up, waiting for Addmath's class at 10.
Kene datang awal, sebab cikgu suruh ambil module kat Guard.
Just now A**r text me, dia ajak pergi library lagi harini? Again? Semalam kan
dorang dah pergi, inikan harini nak pergi jugak? Then jawapan aku tetap, NO. :)
Tunggu aku dah okay baru aku Follow :)
Balik dari tusyen, i'll just suggest tengok wayang, cerita Real Steel,

Sound its really pretty good cerita ni, kata oranglah.
Okay then, should stop here, nak pergi sarapan sekejap. Okay
Life is better when you’re happy but life is at its best when other people are happy because of you
Hugh Jackman handsome tuu :D Who is this cik arnab anyway ? You mentioned about this cik arnab a lot and i'm curious.Haha.
ReplyDeletecik arnab tu, my arnab, saya ada bela, tapi simpan dekat rumah nusa bestari
ReplyDeleteYour arnab ? Really ? but how come arnab kau tau hantar text message ;)
ReplyDeleteLaserquest, btw, who are you?
ReplyDeleteHaha.You really have no idea who am I don't you ? Kawan kau lah.