Saturday, 31 December 2011

December 31 2011

Berikut adalah fakta-fakta yang buat aku tersenyum dan kadangkala tertawa:

Fakta 1 :selipe digunakan untuk berjalan bukan untuk mendenga lagu ataupun memasak

Fakta 2: kapal terbang direka untuk terbang,bukan untuk berjogging

Fakta 3: antara kapas dgn batu,kipas lagi sejuk

Fakta 4: nenek biase nye ade cucu..

Fakta 5: gulai siput sjenis mkanan berkuah..ianya xsama dgn nasi goreng pataya

Fakta 6: orang itu ialah manusia, binatang itu adalah haiwan

Fakta 7: air teh o diperbuat daripada air

Fakta 8: Kalau sedih selalunya menangis

Fakta 9: Kalau lapar mesti makan.

Fakta10: Sebenarnya orang yang buta mempunyai mata

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

December 28 2011

Today Im off day, but early in the morning I went to Pizza Hut because Miss Aida my manager

wanna bring me do a Akaun KWSP, then we went to Bandar. After went back home, I just

salin baju and go to bustop and went to CS. I go with Sunil watched Mission Impossible. The movie

was awesome. Then kacau Amir, Ariza and Luqman tengah kerja. After 7.30 I belanja Amir

makan dekat restoran dekat jalan susur. Even jalan susur pun, but the place was great. Then I

reached kedai at 9.30pm. Then Anil and Sunil just turun dari bus, then lepak with them. They

boxing together and teached me how to defensed ourself.

Eghem! Dear Amir, Im the one who belanja you sempena Birthday kau. Haha. We ordered Nasi

and some kangsung and Burung Puyuh. Sedap Sengoti beb. Hahaha. After this I'll go

there to makan makan. Hahaha.

December 28 2011

I hope you watched this video until the end, Please.

December 28 2011

Okay, today Im wanna talk about my staff Pizza Hut. From the left us Miss Nurul, Ain,

Atiqah, Mira, Miss Aida, Faten and Me. See? All girl. Hahaha.

For Ain, Mira and Faten, its was last day they worked. They form 4. Minggu depan

dorang dah sekolah. Yesterday, we had to close. Sampai rumah pukul 2 pagi semalam.

Actually we already finished clean, but we help the kitchen area to wash all

equipment. We help together until the cleaning process finished.

Here photo photo:

Ops! See the white shirt? Hahaha, its Fareed's shirt. Tah macam mana boleh terpakai.

This photo was taking masa dah nak balik.

We had a wonderful night working yesterday. Haha.

Monday, 26 December 2011

December 26 2011

Last night, I worked from 11 am until 10pm. Yesterday it was a Chirtsmas day. Then

mum send me, while on the way, saw Tampoi banjir and also Tampoi Utama, because air

laut pasang. And reached Pizza Hut I entered and start worked. Then, Ain my new staff

friend aslo came. Then at 4pm, Fatin came Pizza hut, She ask for kerja, Oh My, I don't

believe she will worked here. Today she will go Korea for vacation, she ask me

"Fir, kau nak kirim apa apa tak?"
I was like, "Hah? Boleh ker?"

Ala, cakap je lah,

"Kau belikan aku benda yang melambangkan korea je lah"


Then she went away.

At that time, I was break time, Ain waited me too long because she want eat pizza

with me, than while we ate together, Mala the kitchen aslo join, And for the first

time I knew that she form 5 tu, most of the staff Pizza Hut is Form 4 and school

at Usman Awang. They too friendly too me. Suddenly, a man came with black shirt.

He will started keje today. And he also handled service araa. So? There will 2 guys

handle at service area. His name is Hafiz school at Tanjung Putri. Then I teached him

the basic. After 6pm I worked again, Sir Shah my manager ask me to simbah bilik air

because customer complaint smell not good, then I clean the toilet. Suddenly, Faten,

open the ddor and shout, "Daus, kau ada hantar pizza kat meja 26 tak"?

'Hah? aku lepas rehat tadi jaga kitchen then terus masuk bilik air?"

"Kau tau tak, ada staff kita pergi salah hantar pizza kat meja 26 then dia makan,

tapi dia tak nak bayar untuk pizza tu"

I was shocked and "Amboi? Tnegok sikit muka customer tu?"

Then I went out and sneaked looking at table 26. Its Singaporean, all staff member

buat muka masam. Atiqah the cashier kene maki dengan customer. What the F?

Kalau kau dah tahu tu bukan pizza kau, kenapa kau makan. The price of the pizza

was RM44, then we suggested just divided to all staff. Per person need paid RM3.

Geram seh. Then semua takde mood nak buat kerja. Suddenly a huge of Indian cames, I

think 28 of them. They want make a birthday party here. Oh my god,

Pizza Hut too crowded and many customer aslo came at the same time. We need to

do worked as fast as we can, many things to do. And it was too outrageous and TIRED.

Then, Sir Shah ask me for take OT, customer too many he said. The Im just okay.

At 11, habis kerja. Ain ajak teman makan KFC, she was too funny and perangai pelik.

And erk, she so weird, but she very active full. Hahaha, then after she went back,

I came back to Pizza Hut and helped the rest yang kene closing harini. Then I balik

pukul 1 pagi. Balik je rumah, banng! Went slept.

Sunday, 25 December 2011

December 20 2011

Worked up and get rushed mandi. Macam nak pergi sekolah pulak, tapi ni lain, nak pergi

kerja. Then mum send me to Pizza Hut, then meet Ani, the cashier. Ani ni kepala gila.

Suka buat lawak dan suka cari pasal. But she too too friendly. I want to talk

about my new friend that worked at Pizza Hut. All girl. Because yang jaga service semua

perempuan. Im the one yang tersesat lelaki. Mungkin muka aku terlalu.... erk.

Tak nak cakap apa apa. Okay, manager that I know is Miss Nadia. Her face just

like my chemistry teacher. She is on preagnant now. Then Miss Nurul. Her face

was totally rocker dan otai. Then Miss Aida, the most people yang paling garang

dekat Pizza Hut. Hahaha. But she just okay. Then my scandal was, Nadz, she just

form 4 school at SMK Bukit Indah. She helped me alot. And she so cute just like

a doll. Her lesung pipit, peh,, boleh cair beb. Hahaha. She's the one yang paling

aku rapat. Then Rohana, 19th, she too kind also. Always alert kesalahan aku like

susun sudu, pisau, Punch order. Then while we on worked, Skuad Era suddenly

parked in front Pizza Hut. Then our Manager Miss Aida says,

"Eh pergi lah try kepoh2 tengok apa yang ada"

"Tak nak lah, nanti kene jawab soalan, saya tak dengar Era"

"Ala, soalan dia mesti senang senang semua"

Then we just continued our worked. Semakin hari, mulut aku semakin bising

bebual dengan dorang. They too too FRIENDLY. I love all my Friend.

Ecspecially School mates. I miss them damn much.

December 19 2011

I woke up in the morning, clock showed 10am. And masuk kerja pukul 11am,

I was like "Hah! Dah pukul 10?"

Then I rushed up taked a bath, haved a breakfirst and drive ayah's car went

to Pizza Hut. Then punch card. I lated just one minute. Hahaha.

Then kerja macam biasa lah. Yang jaga service, I'm the only men. Yang lain

girls. Hahaha. The rest men jaga bahagian kitchen. Work at kitchen was totally tired

seh! Alhamdulillah, I got promotion jaga service.

Then at 4pm, I end work, then I went to Ridhwan's house and fetch him to Jusco.

Alif, Ridhwan's friend also follow. We went to Jusco Bukit Indah just for kacau2 kawan

kawan yang kerja sana, then when reached there we straight go to Jusco, because

Munajah and Fareed worked there. Munajah handle Luggage area. Fareed handle wOmen shoe's

area. Bahagian Sembonia kot. I thought kasut perempuan pekerja perempuan je jaga.

Then went to Luggage area, and saw Munajah with red T-shirt. Waheeda also there.

Fareed masuk kerja at 6pm. Im so happy went meet up my friends. Ridhwan felt jelous,

because all his friend including me haved been worked. Hahaha. Lek lu wan.

Then saw Cikgu Ch'ng and Pn Jong, our Physics teacher and my math teacher. And I just

jalan2 and meet Cikgu Lin my Ibnu Sina addmath teacher. Then Munajah ajak rehat. We went

to Food Court area. Me, Ridhwan, Munajah, Aliff, Fetty there. We just talked continuosly.

Totally miss them. At 6pm, Munajah and Fetty went away. Pergi masuk kerja.

Then I went tempat Fareed kerja, and Alhamdulillah, I saw him with bright white

uniform, and seluar slack hitam. I just can't believe he work. Hahaha. All my friend

dah pandai berdikari and cari duit sendiri.

Then I ask Ridhwan to meet Fareed, I want meet Fareed just want to talk, but, he

didn't want see my face again, ok then. But Ridhwan says lain kali je lah jumpa.

Then we just went back. Before that, I meet Hakeem Bolkiah worked at Secret Recipe.

He was totally skinny and tall. Then after send Ridhwan and Alif, I went to Kipmart

bought some DVD. Then the salesman said "Awek kau mesti cantik kan?"

I was like? "Hah? Takde awek ah bang"

"bohong lah, muka handsome pakaian smart mcm ni"

"Nanti lah, dekat U lagi ramai"

Then I just smiled to him. I called him Abg Long.

Then went back home and slept. Then at 11pm something I heard my phone rang,

its Amir, then he said "Baca message"

Then I end up call I read message,

Amir at bustop Kipmart. Then I send him home. I understand him, malam, rarely nak dapat

bus perling. At least he tried naik bus Skudai. If I can help my friend, I help.

Then continue slept. Tomorrow worked at 11am. Need to bangun awal.

December 18 2011

Today my sis birthday.

For my beloved sis yang jarang ada kat rumah dan jarang ada dekat dapur dan selalu dalam


Happy Birthday yang ke 20? 19? ke 21? I don't remember your age actually.

December 17 2011

I woke up in the morning and Jogged around my house. Then bought some roti

to make my own breakfeast at 7 Eleven. Then at 11am I dressed up wearing a white

uniform, seluar slack hitam and my Mokasin shoes. because at 12noon I need to masuk

kerja. It was my first day masuk kerja. Then when reached, need to wait the

the manager came. When manager came, I saw two guys wearing a white uniform also.

They same as me. Baru first time kerja. Three of us sat at one sit. Then the manager

introduce himself. Then she teached us about the basic. We get promotion to handle at

kitchen area. Then she bring us teached how to washed our hand, then she showed

all the machine, equitment, apparatus to make pizza, food, dessert, drinks and so on.

After she teached us. We start our worked. Worked at kitchen was totally hotted and you

can sweated. After 3 hours worked, suddenly the others manager call me. Then she give me

a uniform and she said

"Awak tak payah jadi kitchen, awak jadi service jaga bahagian luar"

I was like "Really?"

Then the two guys ternganga tengok aku pakai baju uniform baru. Haha.

Then the manager teached me how to setting table. How to susun sudu, pisau, garfu.

Need follow the step. Then I need to hafal all 40 meja. Example, I need to send

meal to table no. 25, and on the spot I need to know where table no.25 located.

Its was too hard. Maybe it just permulaan. Then study how to clean table.

Its hard too, then at 8pm, I finished my worked. Its too tired. Very very tired.

Then after went home, I slept earlier.

December 16 2011

Clock shows at 9pm, then I texted Ridhwan to wake him up. Because we suggest

to go school amik markah koko. Then I fetch him at his house then went to school.

School surrounding was totally different. Well budak dah habis sekolah kan? Hahaha.

Then went to office. Cikgu Khairina was there. Then She search our sijil koko.

After finished we when to Sayed to have our breakfeast. And saw Cikgu Tan Lee Lee, our

Biology's teacher. After send Ridhwan at his house I went home, just about a minute

I need to follow mum and dad went to Pejabat Peguam and so on to settled something.

Then after setted it went to Jotic. I have appoinment to Injection there.

The injection called Typoid. For those yang kerja Kedai makan need to inject typoid.

Then went back home and bukak kedai.

At 8pm. Ariza came to my kedai. We talked and talked, suddenly Ariza belanja me

Chicken chops. He say I help him a lot. ????? I've no idea. By the way. Thanx.

After ate, he had a stomach ache. He went back home. Hahaha. Serve you right.

December 11 2011

I woke up late today. Its near 2pm. Hahaha. Maybe I was too tired. Today I've nothing

to do. Just studied Biology. Mums, I don't want to take bidang Doktor or medic or

anythings about bio and sci. Its totally boring. I already told mums I want

to take Land Surveyor. I love in calculation, but, whatever.

Today I have nothing to write. I didn't go anywhere. Most bored today.


December 10 2011

At 10 am I woke up in the morning because my phone was vibrating,

It was F****d. He ask about his portal, where is it.

All barang jamuan bersepah sepah, satu dekat rumah orang ni, satu dekat orang

tu. Then I ask him to meet up. Then we meet at Shell Tampoi. F****d with R*****n

Then we went to bengkel kereta to repair my bonet's car. Its stuck. Can't

open. While the people repairing, we bebual and laughed mengumpat and laughed.

Then the people finished repaired it. Need to pay RM88. I never let my dads

know about this. He will mad at me. R*****n paid for me 1st. Need to ganti

when I get money. Thanks R*****n. He will go to PLKN soon. Will miss him.

Then we go to Kampung Pasir to sent all BBQ stuff at Jalan Sukun.

J***a's say after saw BHP, turn left and straight at the end and reached. But when we

go straight we just saw rumah purple. Then I called J***a to ask her where actually

the place. Then she say she on the way to go there. Finally reached the house. Not house

just like store. Then I went back home and F****d and R*****n went to Kedai Gunting rambut.

When I reached home, there was nobody there. Then I called dad. H**a picked up the

phone. I told H**a to give handphone to dad, but dad don't want to. Maybe

they merajuk. So what. Lambat setengah jam pun nak merajuk. Then I just

stayed home slept, watched TV, rest. Then jam showed at 8pm. Then I want to go

my kedai. BUT! Suddenly alarm lock's car not worked. When I pressed the button,

the lock was not open. Then I just walking from house to kedai. In my beg there was

two laptop. Imagine if I been ragut. Hahaha. If nak ragut pun its hard because I used

school's beg. When reached jejantas, I watched towards the sky. The moon was so

beautiful. It was God's power. Masyaallah.

Then I continued my journey until reached kedai, then I help my mums closed kedai.

Then went back home and straight slept.

December 9 2011

At 7.30pm I woke up early in the morning and drived to J***a's house to take

some things for use Jamuan Kelas at Hutan Bandar. Then went to Hutan Bandar to send

meja-meja. F****d and A**r also was there. Then after send meja we went back homes.

Mums and dad going out. Then I packed all my things then go to F****d's house.

First I fetch A**r at his home. Then when reach F****d's house, we putted another things

at the bonet. The cars was so packed. Then again went to Hutan Bandar again to

send those things. We go there by two cars. After send it to Hutan Bandar we drived

back to perling to semayang jumaat there. Then went again F****d's house.

We dress up and make up our hair there. Then F****d and A**r straight to Hutan Bandar.

I went to Chungky because all people we gathered there. When A**a reached, there was

a problem. Many people still not reached here. Then R*****n reached with Z***r.

Then I and A**a went to Perling Mall to take 60 makanan and 60 minuman.

we waited the catering reached perling mall too long. Then straight went to Hutan

Bandar. Then F****d call A**a to know where are we. Then I suggested to make

a joke. We tell them that I have been stopped by the police. There was a roadblock.

Then went we otw there, I saw A***a's car. They want to go tempat roadblock.

Oh My GOd, they so worried about us, but its just a jokes, they took it

serious. Im sorry. Then when I rached there, J***a and her sister there, I have shooted

by pistol air because I lied to them. Then we continued our works. Then we played

cari gula dalam tepung, My team was me, R*****n, A**r, F****d.

R*****n was pro in this game. We won, but got 2nd place. Hahaha. Then having our

BBQ and more. Then techers came. We celebrated them. And continued grill chicken

and so on. Then we went back home almost 12 o'clock because we face a problem.

Then when I reached home, I take a bath and straight slept. Felt 100%tly tired.

Tomorrow need to meet them again to hantar barang-barang BBQ and so on.

December 8 2011

At 8.00am I woke up n the morning then saw my laptop still onn, maybe

yesterday I slept without turn off the computer, I watched Home Alone 3.

Then make a breakfeast. Nasi Paprik Daging, after ate, I continued slept till

10pm. F****d text me to dress up, he will fetch me at 12 noon. We need to go

Pasaraya Tesco to buy some things for jamuan kelas nanti. After he fetch me,

then fetch R*****n, F****l and A***a. When reach Tesco we just like one family, with

a trolley, and i brought my scientific calculator. Its easy for us to calculate before

scan at the counter. Mana tawu tak cukup, haha. After went Tesco, we went Pasaraya

Kipmart bought bawang and also prawn. And meet many budak2 comel disitu, hehehe.

Then hantar all the things to A***a's house and F****l's. In the car left me, F****d

and R*****n. We went to KFC and have a launch. F****d and R*****n was totally felt

hungry. Then saw P**n, Y*****n, A**a, F***q, F****l, A***a, B****s, F*****h,

A***a Z***d, W****a and F***n A***d at Pizza Hut, we at KFC, then me and R*****n just

salam them because we need to go giant bought Coal and bawang merah besar.

Then I went kedai dan bukak kedai. Before that I help A**a and her friend hantar pergi

Giant Tampoi, they want go Kara-ok. I don't know to spell it. Then otw back, the traffic

was so jammed, many cars, buses and lorrys. Then bukak kedai at 5.30pm. I felt

totally tired, I felt what F****d felt. Don't worry friend, I understand you.

December 7 2011

At 1.00am I sneaked out and went to taman permainan Bukit Indah, just for fun.

Maybe for released tension. I just want to go Seri Alam, but minyak left a little.

Then texted R*****n until neared 3am. I texted J***a just for a while.

At 10 in the morning, i woke up, and dressed up, mums give me RM50 for paid up

a bill air. Then I drived to Pejabat Pos and saw F****l there. He paid his

road tax's car. Then he told me about Set BBQ. B****s can't bring it. Oh no,

thats come problem, when no SET BBQ, then how to grill chicken, sotong.

I don't know.

Then when back home, before that I went to Kipmart bought some food and water for

me. Suddenly a Men, with "U-Mobile" Uniform Shirt calling me. Then I came there,

he promotes "U-Mobile" Broadband, the price was totally reasonable. Then

I just said, "Next time datang lagi" hahaha.

Reached home. Just played Plant vs Zombies. Then at 3.30pm, I went kedai, while OTW,

suddenly tyre's car get crushed, maybe exploded due to masuk lobang or something,

at that time, its rain like a bullet, and Tampoi get flood. Alhamdulillah, in front

of my eyes there was a kedai Tayar, then exchange tayar there. I need to paid RM5.

Its okay. then reach kedai and studying Biology. Mums told me to take bidang

Doktor or Medic. Ok then, I prefer to take bidang Surveyor, because I love

in calculation, but mums just say take Doktor Doktor. Okay, now study Inheritance.

Now 8.15pm R*****n and F****d came here. Hahaha. We laugh like a crazy.

1 week never meet. Of course miss them. R*****n was totally different.

His hair, haha, he be more matured, cacat? I think not. But just now,

he did his cacat again at kedai. Hahaha. Serious, miss my friends.

Imagine if all of them already study at different univercities and different

places, only can meet once a year, maybe 2, or 3. :(

9.30pm, they already came back home. If you all free, please comes again.

At 10.30 pm after I closed Kedai. I felt hungry. Then went to KFC bought "snack plate"

I ate there, malas nak makan dekat rumah, nanti nak kene basuh pinggan semua.

When I queing up there, behind me there a was one girl. She so so so so beutiful.

I smiled at her. Her eyes very circular. Hahaha. Then I ordered snack plate cost

RM11.20, then the makcik that jaga kaunter said to me:

"Semua sekali RM11.20. Ada 20sen?"
"takdelah, ada rm15 jer"
"makcik dulu mathematics memang failed."

She calculated at a piece of paper.

I laughed and said, "makcik kene pulangkan baki rm 3.80"

"Maaf yer dik"

The one that make me happy is the girl behind me laughed too. Then I turn back and

smiled at her. ;)

Then I ate alone. After the girl bought her food, she passed away in front me

then she said, "Makan sorang je ke?"

"Ha'ah, sorang jugak ke ni?"

"Taklah ayah ada kat keluar, balik dulu tau, bye"


Then I smile from ear to ear, I'm so happy, the girl talked to me.

But I don't know her name.. :(

Then mums text "Dah lambat ni"?

Actually what mums said was true, memang lambat pun, dah pukul 12am.

Then went back home and watched Home Alone 3 and accidently slept.

December 6 2011

At morning I woke up, I looked forward outside at my balcony's house.

Its was Bright Sunny Day. What its means? Means, I need to jemur baju now before

rains drops going down heavily. Then, Breakfeast with some Puding. Its makes me full.

Then, I don't know yet what to do, just played Plants VS Zombies game on dining

table while

watching my dad at the hall. Mums going out to market bought some things to cooked, when

mums back home, she saw me sat relaxing while playing computer's games. Then she get

mad. Why? Am I did wrong? I don't understand everytimes mums always get mad when

saw me sat relaxing eventhought house already tidy, dish already washed. Then what?

what I supposed to do? When I sat in the room for whole day mums also get mad. No

idea. Then I dressed up to go Kedai. I rather sat alone at kedai than heard mums

bubbling like bubbles. -.-

Now, Im at Kedai alone, everyday likes this. Mums stay home take care dads. I just hope

my friends come over here keep company me everytimes when I at Kedai. But too bad,

no ones come. My holiday was too boring, I just can hang out with my friend only on

Monday. All spoiled, Kuala Lumpur. I don't what to talked again about this.

Dear Friends, I just hopes we can have a dinner together this Monday, can you?

Please don't canceled it again.

At 6.30pm A**r comes over my kedai. What function he comes here? haha. Maybe

he from KL with his family. And im watching Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Eventhought I already watched it many times, but, its not boring. Ombak Rindu? Don't

said again. -.-

At 8.30pm mums comes over here, guest what she did first when reach here?

again mums bubbling me because didn't swept the floor. I said I did.

But mums said there was a leaf and some tanah on the floor. I wanted to say maybe

the wind blows up the leaf, but its okay, I don't want argueing with mum. Haish, like

I said, I rather to be alone. Mums, why you came here? You suppose to take care of dad.

I can take care my self here. Please, tomorrow don't come. Im not hate my mums,

just hate they way mums bubbling and the way mums treats me. Likes all I doing is

wrong even what I did was true. When I did some good, why mums did't compliment me.

-.- Maybe in her eyes she just can see I did wrong things. Okay then.

Now 11.33pm, I wondering to meet up a guy or girl who their parents never cared about her or him.

I want to talk with those guys or girls. Because, they will know what I feel,

Is they out there? I hope I can meet them.

December 5 2011

4.00 am.

At 10am. I woke up in the morning, just sneaked out kitchen searching some food,

then I got Bread and some Nutella, just throwing up the Nutella. I don't know

why suddenly I hate chocolate. Sometimes I get nauseating when ate chocolate.

Then, watching Personal Taste, I reached 14 episodes now. Just left 2 episode only

and the drama will end, while watching the drama, someone text me, Its B****s,

she ask me to dress up and she will fetch me here. I just, Hmmmm, okay then. We going

to cITY SQUARE, and guest who I meet up there? A***a, F****l, Y***f, P**n. I don't

know why they here. Okay then, I don't want to intefere with them. We watched Ombak

Rindu. I sat besides a man. Watching Ombak Rindu with a men? you crazy? The movie

was too too too too too too too too too too BORING. I get out from the cinema before

the movie ends. Its was a first time Im do that. And its was 2nd time i watched a

boring movie. The first was Underwolrd 2. After get out from cinema, i saw A***a holding

girl's hand. Really? I just can't believe what I'm saw. Hahaha. Im not expect he will

do that. Congratulations, he is growing up and be more matured i thought. :)

Then I solat at Masjid India, the Masjid was too Nice and Awesome, but too bad, I just

saw a indian muslim prays there. Where other pure muslim? No idea.

We ate at The Roost, the restaurant was toooooo awesome. Its was a first time I went

here. Oh my, by looking up with the chair, table, its OLDSCHOOL. I love that.

And the special here is, we drink not use glass, but use bucket. Its so creative!

And i tasted the meat, wow! I can taste the original juice inside the meat, and its

soft. The Roast Chicken was too delicious when mix it up with black papper sauce. Oh

no! Im get hungry when think about FOOD. And we go to Villa Nabila, and I can swear

to God, we get disturbed there. We already record the video. Woaw! I can't believe

the things will get happend. At 9pm go to that Villa. Insane! we get disturbed by

"Nabila" maybe because we make a Nabila's name like a toys and jokes, like, line Nabila,

Wifi Nabila, because when reach there, there was no network coverage. Then they say

"Kejap lagi ada line Nabila". ambik kau. Kene kacau!

Then we just go back home. Hope nobody not get fever.

When reach home at 10pm, I storying to R*****n, we text until nearer 3a.m,

And im not believe when he love watched Drama too. Hahaha. Congratulation. He love

watched it since earlier, maybe he not tell anyone.

Then he get slept, at the same time, i texted her , i just make her be sakit hati.

Serve You Right. She lied to me about Paris. -.-

After the Drama that i watched ends, i went slept.

December 4 2011


Yesterday, i went to Bazar JB, and guest what, what time I woke up?

Its noon time, I looked at my phone, there was a 1 message and 4 missed call,

its from my mum and others friends. Then I called my mums, she told me to come up

to Hospital now, the good is, maybe my dads can check out today. I was totally happy and

get dressed up as faster as I can. Then when reached Hospital, get up to 4th floor

and to see my dad. He totally okay. While waiting for a bills, suddenly he text me,

I was shocked when read what he wrote. Why suddenly? Its wasn't my fault, guys! I

can go. Mums say okay. Why you used me to cancel it up? Are you insane? Bhah! I just

ignoring it. CRAZY! I rather postpone searching vacancy, I rather not eat for saving

my money, THEN? All my effort just gone like that. Okay, you used me just for

cover you up. Thank You Friend! Look what you done. I just can say, welldone!

Maybe in front of you, I will pretending Im okay with you. But the reality is,

I really not okay with you.

December 3 2011

3.30 am

I woke up in the morning and served a roti bakar for adik, I make it faster because

mums told me that I can come see my dad, then I dress up and drived to Hospital.

4 times I tawaf searching empty parking. Its was too crowded there.

Then finally i get the parking. But it too far from Hospital's Lobby.

Its okay then, janji dapat parking.

Jam showed 12.30 pm, guest what, who I meet at the lobby? my cousin and all

makcik2 pakcik2, the they said, Im get Skinny lately. Just said, "Puasa time SPM"

Then I get up to 4th Floor where my dads stayed. He seems very lemah and hard to talk.

Then mums going back home, she want to mandi all other things, I take cared my dads at

Hospital, S*****z also there, then I text my friends to come over here,

but its already 4pm, I just hope they were come after played futsal.

Im watching from the window to look up Toyota R**h car, maybe they will not comes.

Then when my mother reach hospital, I when back home, and same, open shops.

At 10pm, after tutup kedai, Mums told me to send H**a to Cik S*h homes, then went

back homed, packed those little girl's bag and send it to Cousin's house. Before send

I called S***l ajak him stayed at my home today. Because he always lepak ing at

my house, but too bad, he went out with his friends. Ok then.

After send my adik, then I went Bazaar JB, at 12am going Bazar JB, its outrageous.

I felt so bored, then I parked neary bazar JB, then walking there, its SO SO SO

NICE hangout alone at bazar jb. Then bought a hearphone then some keychain.

Then tawaf again and again and saw some person that i knew, he with his family.

I just thought he will said that im totally awesome can hangout alone at midnight.

when otw I choosed to lalu at larkin road, they saw some Pondan nearer Court Mammot

Then went back home, A**r ajak go Sayed, then I just okay and otw there, when I reach

nearing angsana he said im lated, They already when back, then went to petronas

isi minyak and went Restoran Anggun to have a Dinner. Then reach home at near 2am.

Then watched DVD, not Personal Taste, im watching Wujud 5, then texting 4 person at

one time. Then, when sleep. I felt too tired, but today was my wonderful day.

Hang out alone was totally awesome. Its true. ;)

December 2 2011

2.00 am

I woke up in the morning, its not morning, its nearry afternoon. By the way, its

10.00 am, then I woke up H**a and asked her to dress up, because wanna bring her

out for breakfeast, we ate at Kedai U*i, the roti canai was totally soft and

the taste was very delicious, compared to H***b, prefed Kedai U*i. But the bad

is, Kedai U*i not 24 hours open.

While ate, moms called, like always she ask,

"Buat apa?"
"Hawa dah makan?"
"Dekat mana"

Then, I just said, we at Kedai U*i having a brekfeast. Then moms shocked

when I mentioned Kedai U*i, maybe she thought Kedai U*i at Perling. No mums, at Tampoi

la. Then back home, demi untuk jimatkan wang perbelanjaan, I cooked a Nasi Goreng ayam

The Ayam I mixed it up with kicap, sos tiram and some bawang, its was totally

delicious, i can get married now! Hahaha.

Then at 3pm, I packed the Nasi Goreng Ayam Kicap to bring it up to kedai,

I totally be independent lately. Moms will get proud of me.

Then, while watching Personal Taste, the was a customer, a Short older woman, then

she bought one Cadar priced RM 85, mums told me to used the rm85 for my belanjawan.

at 9pm, Cik S*h send a pulut and rendang danging, WOW!!!!

Then, at 10pm, need to close Kedai, mums called again, she ask for help

to buy:

1. Bubur Ayam MCD
2. Ubat Batuk Hurix
3. Stokin
4. Mineral water
5. Milo kotak

sends to Hospital again? at night?

Then without wasting anytime, I closed up shops and I got Muscle joint, it was

hurt. Then shame me if I ask help F****d again, then I ask help to her, than she just

saying okay. Sorry for trouble. Totally Sorry.

Okay then, I back home and watching Personal Taste again then get slept.

December 1 2011

December 1 2011


Pada pagi yang indah, aku dikejutkan oleh ibuku dia mengatakan dia mahu pergi

hospital. Sementara aku tunggu mak aku balik, aku kemas segala apa yang bersepah

dekat rumah, do laundry, sapu, mop, basuh pinggan and everything, yelah, nak keluar

dengan member kan, mesti excited, tu yang tiba-tiba rasa rajin.

Pada jam 12.00 tengahhari handphone ku berdering, ibuku call,

"Dik, ayah kene tahan dekat hospital"
"Doktor nak betulkan tiub dalam kepala"
"Oh, okay."
"Makan apa nanti?"
'Takpelah, adik tengah kenyang"
"Hawa dah makan"
"Dah, adik buatkan dia milo dengan biskut"
"Adik nak keluar dengan kawan adik ke?"
"Takpelah, dah lambat sangat, dorang dah pergi dulu"
"Mama tak tau boleh balik pukul berapa"

Perasaan excited yang aku rasa tadi, tiba-tiba hilang meletop.

Keinginan seorang lelaki mahu keluar bersama rakan-rakannya apabila selepas SPM

kini telah pecah berderai.

But i have to understand mom and dad's condition.

Then, at 3 pm, mom back home packed her bag, and ayah's things, ayah now at hospital.

Mom give me RM50 for me to use if neccesary, mom gets mad because she looking at my face

i just stayed quiet in room. But, i understand the condition. Mom just simplifying says

im such a selffish. Its okay. I understand the condition will be.

Then, I just finish a time from 3pm to 9pm by watching DVD. The movie maked me laugh

continuosly. Personal Taste. Very nice movie.

Then at night i drived to kipmart to buy some things, and take H**a have a dinner.

At 10pm, moms call, she told me to buy thing and send it to hospital,

Oh my god, moms? at night? drived to Hosptal. I just, hmmm, okay.

I asked help F****d to send me up to Hospital then send me back home. Its

totally menyusahkan dia kan. But he says, just fine, member punya pasal.

Thanks Friend.

Then at home, again, watching Personal Taste and accidently slept while watched.

Then i woke up H**a to sleep in room, I just slept at hall, its totally colded even

fan was switch off.