Sunday, 25 December 2011

December 17 2011

I woke up in the morning and Jogged around my house. Then bought some roti

to make my own breakfeast at 7 Eleven. Then at 11am I dressed up wearing a white

uniform, seluar slack hitam and my Mokasin shoes. because at 12noon I need to masuk

kerja. It was my first day masuk kerja. Then when reached, need to wait the

the manager came. When manager came, I saw two guys wearing a white uniform also.

They same as me. Baru first time kerja. Three of us sat at one sit. Then the manager

introduce himself. Then she teached us about the basic. We get promotion to handle at

kitchen area. Then she bring us teached how to washed our hand, then she showed

all the machine, equitment, apparatus to make pizza, food, dessert, drinks and so on.

After she teached us. We start our worked. Worked at kitchen was totally hotted and you

can sweated. After 3 hours worked, suddenly the others manager call me. Then she give me

a uniform and she said

"Awak tak payah jadi kitchen, awak jadi service jaga bahagian luar"

I was like "Really?"

Then the two guys ternganga tengok aku pakai baju uniform baru. Haha.

Then the manager teached me how to setting table. How to susun sudu, pisau, garfu.

Need follow the step. Then I need to hafal all 40 meja. Example, I need to send

meal to table no. 25, and on the spot I need to know where table no.25 located.

Its was too hard. Maybe it just permulaan. Then study how to clean table.

Its hard too, then at 8pm, I finished my worked. Its too tired. Very very tired.

Then after went home, I slept earlier.

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