Assalamualaikum, hello readers, seem dah lama aku tak update blog, so yeah, aku nak update lah ni, new about me? I'm studies at UiTM Segamat Johor. Well for the first time dapat course ni, i was like "krik krik krik" Science Quantitative? What the hell is that? Tapi bila dah check balik, yeah, memang aku choose that course, its a fifth course that i choose, i really want Quantity Surveyor, in short form is QS, dan yang tak belah nye adui pun, Quantitative Science pun in short form is QS,
But the course is not same. So, just redha je lah apa yang dapat, lagipun dekat Segamat kan? Dekat sangat dengan Rumahku Syurga. Here, at UiTM Segamat quite bored at the first moment, nasib baik aku sama roommate dengan member aku yang kenal dari darjah 4? 5? eh, tak ingat, i don't want mentioned his name, nanti dia tersenyum lebar dan bontotnya juga akan lebar, :B
Okay, since I'm taking Science Quantitative, the subject quite interesting jugak, subject dia macam Addmath jugak, tapi dipecahkan kepada 3 subject, iaitu, Calculus, Geometry dan Statistic. Sama je kot at the time kita belajar masa form4 atau form 5 time SPM. So, conclusion is? I love this course. Pray for me so that i can hold this course until i grad. Amin..
Okay, i want tell about a tragedies that happened just now, tapi tak adalah tragis sangat.
Well, I'm looking for 15 people to make our offering for dinner Quasar, Quasar is our course's club. And it happened when tiadanya "kerjasama". So kata orang bersatu teguh bercerai roboh, eh? so, kerjasama sikit lah, kira macam kalau orang panggil ke, ape, turun je lah, join je lah, bukan buat benda yang memalukan pun kan? it just to entertain for people, not enter-shame, eh? what im taking about, di sini bukan nak kutuk orang, cuma nak cakap je tentang ketiadaan -kerjasamaan dalaman sesuatu an Hal an, -_-
Well, tapi masalah itu telah dibendung, so wish me luck for our "Persembahan"
And, well, i should stop here, sebab..... guna broadband rommate, dari tadi jeling2 je, so yeah, ASSALAMUALAIKUM.
Living with roommate memang very challenging i might say.
ReplyDeleteHave to be patient with them. Their habit.
Which sometimes kita tak berapa stuju but we could not say anything about it.
Sabor jo lah.
yeah! hell truth baby!